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Barbara is excellent at personally tailoring her teaching to each individual students needs. Her approach is calming, knowledgeable and professional, immediately putting you at ease. As a trained massage therapist myself, I have attended courses with many different  teachers and therapists. It was so refreshing when I began the course with Barbara and was actually introduced to massage techniques that I had never before experienced, delivered with such kindness and patience! I was impressed! She seems to know intuitively where to encourage and guide, and her teaching produce excellent results, always leaving me feeling confident in my ability. I loved doing the course and am now planning on continuing with Barbara and working through the Advanced Techniques.

Vicky Dawes. Osteopath - TYMT Teaching

Not just a massage, but an experience. Everything about the massage was relaxing, professional and uplifting.  I felt safe in her hands.

Lauren Kindly. Teacher - Massage

The treatment I have received so far has helped me enormously.  I feel my stress and anxiety is now under control and more importantly under my control.  With Barbaras help I am now able to relax, feel able to cope and understand my triggers so that I am able to understand where my panic attacks stem from.  Definintely recommend Hypnotherapy to anyone who is looking for help with long term issues.

Stephanie Brooks