Yoga Questions and Answers


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear to Yoga?

Wear any light clothing that will not restrict your movements. Any loose, comfortable and modest clothing will always be appropriate. Have warm clothing available for the relaxation period, the body soon cools down when relaxing after exercise.

What should I bring to class?

Yoga mats and chairs are provided although as you progress your own mat is encouraged. A blanket and cushion, for relaxation. A bottle of water.

What about meals?

It is advisable to avoid heavy meals for 4 hours prior to the Yoga class. Light meals taken about 2 hours before the Yoga class should not cause a problem.

What is Yoga?

The word Yoga means Yoke, referring to the joining or holding together of the physical body and the spiritual body. Yoga is a life of self-discipline based on simple living and high thinking. It is a way of life, it seeks to integrate the material and the spiritual and helps one to become a more honest, decent and useful person.

There are 5 essential aspects of Yoga:-

  • Exercise, the Asanas (postures) – these lubricate the body by promoting increased circulation and flexibility and increase Strength and Stamina; Allowing energy to move freely throughout the body. Preparing the body for meditation.
  • Breathing, the Pranayama – breath helps the body recharge its batteries and release its energy for physical and mental rejuvenation.
  • Relaxation – helps to cool the body down, relaxation is nature’s way of allowing the body to recover. If body and mind are continually overworked their efficiency diminishes.
  • Diet – provides the correct fuel for the body. Many yogis are vegetarian but this is not essential.
  • Positive Thought and Meditation – allows you to be in control. The intellect is purified, steadiness and concentration are developed. Aids concentration by focusing the mind.

Yoga is not just for stretching muscles but is for stretching the whole being; Body, Mind and Spirit.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is surrender. It is not thinking or being given a specific subject to think of. It is the vehicle that connects us both with our true Self and with that which is beyond ourself. Meditation is the thing that nourishes our spirit.

What are the benefits of meditation in my daily life?

The benefits gained from meditation include a healthy distancing from the stressful things of life. Life can be very demanding. It is important to have both the ways and means to cope. It’s easy to get into a stressful and irritatable mood thinking about the pressures of work and family life. There is also a risk of losing focus on all the good things of life. Meditation helps you to witness that which is stressful. It helps you to see things clearly, as if from a distance. 

Do I have to sit cross-legged for my meditation?

While sitting cross-legged on the floor for meditation is good, it is not the only way to do it. You do not have to sit cross-legged. Sitting on a chair is fine. Remember that you must be comfortable in the way that you are sitting, otherwise one can get easily distracted and not be able to go into a meditative state. The most important objective in your posture is that your spinal cord should be fairly straight.

Do I need to be fit to practice Yoga?

No, Yoga can be modified so that virtually anyone can take part. Yoga is suitable for virtually all fitness levels.

How will I benefit from Yoga practice?

Yoga will help with flexibility of the body, it can improve strength and stamina. Yoga can help to alleviate stress. Yoga also works with the mind and on the subtle energies within the body, it can help to promote a feeling of well-being and calmness.

Will Yoga conflict with my religion?

No. Yoga is NOT a religion, many people have misunderstood the roots of Yoga, believing that it teaches the Hindu religion. This is not the case, Yoga pre-dates all religions and can be practiced by members of all religions (or those without religion) without causing any conflict. Yoga originated in the Indian Subcontinent and thus it was natural for the people of this area to be involved in Yoga.

Will I have to sit in Lotus position or stand on my head?

This is a popular view of Yoga classes but is far from the reality. The physical side of Yoga does involve working towards various Asana (postures). Each student will be encouraged to work to their own level and guidance and modifications will be given to help each individual’s progress. Yoga is non-competitive and that includes avoiding competing with yourself, it is far better to accept where you are now and slowly progress will be made.

If you are interested in joining a class please contact Paadena. Prior to beginning a class you will be requested to fill in a health questionnaire .

I have been doing Yoga with Barbara for many years. During my time I have found Barbara to be patient and compassionate. She takes great care to explain each movement and how to do the position with respect for your joints. Also if you suffer with an injury she tells you how to adjust the movement to protect your injury. The class is small and personal and the setting for her studio is fantastic with views across the valley, even watching the sun go down, whilst practicing Yoga. The class isn’t just about movement, Barbara takes time for relaxation and you always come away feeling mindful.

Beverly Potter - Yoga

I feel that Barbara’s approach to massage shows her thoughtfulness and consideration for her clients and this has the effect of leaving the spirit uplifted and the body well and truly stretched after every session.

Jennifer Cole. Chiropractor - Massage

Barbara is excellent at personally tailoring her teaching to each individual students needs. Her approach is calming, knowledgeable and professional, immediately putting you at ease. As a trained massage therapist myself, I have attended courses with many different  teachers and therapists. It was so refreshing when I began the course with Barbara and was actually introduced to massage techniques that I had never before experienced, delivered with such kindness and patience! I was impressed! She seems to know intuitively where to encourage and guide, and her teaching produce excellent results, always leaving me feeling confident in my ability. I loved doing the course and am now planning on continuing with Barbara and working through the Advanced Techniques.

Vicky Dawes. Osteopath - TYMT Teaching