One-day Workshop for Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Therapy

TYMT One Day Workshop

A one-day workshop designed to give a taste of Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Therapy (TYMT).

This Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage Therapy is aimed both for:

  • People who are considering a career as a practitioner of Thai Yoga Massage.
  • Practitioners of other therapies who may want to add another skill.
  • Yoga teachers, pilates teachers or personal trainers who want some skills to apply within their work.Thai Yoga Massage Therapy Course
  • Individuals or couple’s wanting to learn to give their loved ones or friends a wonderful treat.

After completing the workshop you will have the basic skills and techniques to be able to give a friend or member of the family a simple and effective Thai foot and leg massage to help ease common everyday aches and pains, and to lovingly connect through touch.

The day will start with an introduction talk covering the basic history, background and theoretical foundation of Thai Yoga Massage, followed by a practical demonstration.

Throughout the day, you will learn to give a full foot massage, some techniques for the back, neck and shoulders, and a relaxing face massage to finish.

Thai Yoga Massage is well known for its balancing and restorative qualities. The treatment is both relaxing and energising, and especially useful for relieving tension and pain.

Through massaging others, you’ll become aware of your own breath, and learn about the relationship between giving and receiving.
The Thai Yoga Practitioner cultivates a centred state of being, becoming a vessel for the physical application of loving kindness that is at the heart of traditional TYM.

The day starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm, with an hour for lunch.

Scheduled Dates & Cost

Group  Workshop - Can be arranged by yourselves for 4 plus attendees - £35 per person

Small group Workshop - £55 - Up to 4 attendees 

1-2-1   Workshop - £70.00Thai Yoga Massage Therapy

Completing the workshop on a 1-2-1 (or you and a friend or two) basis can be arranged at a time that is beneficial to both student and teacher.  It can be hugely beneficial as this option focuses on you alone. As there is only one student it will be completed in a shorter time, usually between 2.5 & 3 hours.

We accept payment via PayPal (subject to a 4% surcharge), bank transfer, cash or cheque made payable to Paadena.  Please contact Paadena for more details about forms of payment.


Please contact Paadena for further details. To book a Workshop please fill in the booking form.

Barbara is excellent at personally tailoring her teaching to each individual students needs. Her approach is calming, knowledgeable and professional, immediately putting you at ease. As a trained massage therapist myself, I have attended courses with many different  teachers and therapists. It was so refreshing when I began the course with Barbara and was actually introduced to massage techniques that I had never before experienced, delivered with such kindness and patience! I was impressed! She seems to know intuitively where to encourage and guide, and her teaching produce excellent results, always leaving me feeling confident in my ability. I loved doing the course and am now planning on continuing with Barbara and working through the Advanced Techniques.

Vicky Dawes. Osteopath - TYMT Teaching

I have been doing Yoga with Barbara for many years. During my time I have found Barbara to be patient and compassionate. She takes great care to explain each movement and how to do the position with respect for your joints. Also if you suffer with an injury she tells you how to adjust the movement to protect your injury. The class is small and personal and the setting for her studio is fantastic with views across the valley, even watching the sun go down, whilst practicing Yoga. The class isn’t just about movement, Barbara takes time for relaxation and you always come away feeling mindful.

Beverly Potter - Yoga

The treatment I have received so far has helped me enormously.  I feel my stress and anxiety is now under control and more importantly under my control.  With Barbaras help I am now able to relax, feel able to cope and understand my triggers so that I am able to understand where my panic attacks stem from.  Definintely recommend Hypnotherapy to anyone who is looking for help with long term issues.

Stephanie Brooks